Thursday 31 May 2012

(Very) Quick Update

At the request of my biggest fan (my mother) this is just a quick post to notify all my loyal internet stalkers that I will not be able to update the blog for two weeks because I'm heading off this morning on another journey with my host organization! - once again they're sending us to the far North, but this time we're hitting up the Western  provinces of Tucuman, Salta and Jujuy. As usual, it seems that I'm going to be experiencing something completely different to that which I've experienced so far in my life both here and at home. Only four of my buddies from orientation week are taking part in this one. It's not going to be quite the same without them all, however it does mean that I'll get to meet a bunch of the exchange students that arrived in Argentina mid way through last year. I've learnt from my last experiences with the lost voice and hopefully I can refrain from talking too much.. The new audience could put that aim in jeopardy though..

I was hoping to fit in a quick post prior to this one however not all that much of note has occurred since I last posted and I've spent the last couple of days stressing out over whether everything would get sorted out with the various tickets that I require for my latest adventures. Until late yesterday afternoon there was a protest occurring that made travel between here and San Martin - the place where I needed to go to get money and to buy the tickets - very difficult. All is well now however, and with any luck in about an hour's time I'll be Rosario-bound once again!

Much love and best wishes to all my supporters at home and abroad! I leave you with one of my favourite pics from a leisurely bike ride on Sunday afternoon. Enjoy!


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